


How To Batch-Convert Images To sRGB Color Profile In PhotoShop
RGB by itself, with no modifiers, is not a designation for a color profile. It is simply a generic description of the file type (like CYMK or grayscale). sRGB is a designation for a specific RGB profile.
If you open one of these images in PSCS3 (and if you have selected the appropriate warnings in the Color Management dialog) the program will inform you if the image is tagged with a profile other than your working color space, or if the image is not tagged at all. If the former, then just convert to sRGB. If the latter, assign sRGB profile.
Batch processing is very useful when a large number of files require the same processing. For example, using a camera to digitize a diary can easily generate hundreds of images that need to be rotated and renamed. Batch processing allows the changes to be applied to a group of files.
The main steps that may need to be done with batch processing for historical images are listed below in the order they would typically be applied.
· Crop the image
· Rotate the image
· Adjust tone and color
· Set the resolution to determine the size of the output image
· Assign or convert color space for the image
· Set the format of the output file
· Rename the file
Batch processing begins by identifying the changes that need to be made for a group of images. Typically, the changes are made to one of the files and the steps or settings recorded. Then these changes are specified for batch processing and applied to the other files. Output file names typically have characters identifying the group of files and then a number that is incremented for each file in sequence (e.g., dmb_diary_1926_001, dmb_diary_1926_002).
The safest strategy for batch processing is to put the output files in a separate folder from the input files. The input files should not be deleted until the batch processing has been verified to have completed successfully. While batch processing can greatly speed processing, it can also cause extensive damage if there are problems. With separate input and output folders batch processing can easily and reliably be redone if there are problems.
As would be expected, Photoshop CS has powerful batch processing capabilities. Photoshop Elements has limited batch processing capabilities that primarily can convert the format and apply auto adjustments to a group of files, but does not have a way to rotate the images or make custom adjustments. The free XnView image viewing application has useful batch processing capabilities but is limited to processing with only 8 bits per channel. XnView used alone or along with Photoshop Elements is usually adequate for processing simple documents such as diaries.
It is highly recommended that each image is checked to make sure the result of the batch processing was as expected. These checks can be done quickly with image viewing software such as XnView or the Windows Photo Viewer.
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photoshop insert  GIF into PSD
Adobe Photoshop is one of the world's best known software applications and widely used in professional graphics, both in print and for web work. While there are some great open source graphics applications like GIMP or Krita, sometimes Photoshop is still the only application which can be used in certain cases - especially in the pre-press world.
One of the sources of its power is the native PSD file format. A PSD file can not only hold image data, but is more of a large container which can include metadata, camera info, text, vector artwork and more. Most other programs only handle a small subset of its capabilities.
PSD Import
Scribus does have its own native capabilities to import PSD files from version 6 and earlier - the latest version of the PSD format which is publicly documented. The Scribus Team has also been able to worm some features out of files created with later PS versions, so most PSD files can at least be loaded into Scribus, but they may have file format features which are not supported.
In general, PSD support is quite extensive, including:
The ability to manipulate and adjust layer settings.
The option to enable and use masking along with the paths embedded in the file.
In almost all cases, provided they are not defective, ICC color profiles which are embedded into a PSD are detected and used when color management is enabled.
Scribus generally will import 8-bit Greyscale, RGB and CMYK PSD files without issue.
Alpha transparency is supported.
Scribus will import PSD files with normal layers and will display the individual layers in the Extended Image Properties dialog, which is avialable from the Context Menu.
Clipping paths in PSD files will be recognized and can be used for text flow.
Blending modes which are in the image file can be used to affect the way the image displays and prints. It's also possible to modify blending or to apply other modes between PSD layers. This won't affect the original file.
In almost all cases Scribus will automatically detect the file encoding, whether it is ASCII, Binary or Binary with JPEG.
Potential Issues
Adjustment layers and effect layers are not yet supported. In such a case, Scribus will fall back to using a "flattened" version of the file.
Layered TIFFs saved from Photoshop are often not handled well by other TIFF readers and importing applications. This is because Photoshop actually embeds PSD type layers in a private tag. Scribus will attempt to read the PSD layers info and, if successful, make it accessible to the Extended Image Properties dialog. Text and vector layers within this private tag are not yet supported.
DCS (Desktop Color Separations) 1.x/2.0 files are a special flavor of EPS saved in Photoshop and are imported natively - much like a PSD file - and complete with ICC profile support. Image quality should be close to or equivalent to the native PSD file. Vector masks are also detected and can be used to control the display within Extended Image Properties. DCS files can also be saved from Quark XPress®, but this flavor will be imported using Ghostscript as a filter for the time being. This is partly because the way Quark X-Press® exports them does not conform to the DCS specifications properly.
Scribus can detect Duotones, Tritones and Quadtones in PSD and Photoshop EPS files and import them. The difference between both formats is that you need to import the spot colors from the EPS separately via Edit > Colors > Import. If you import a PSD file, you can directly manipulate each of the spot colors within it via the Image Effects dialog, which is available from the Context Menu. In most cases, Scribus will detect the image as Duo, Tri or Quadtone and automatically import the colors from the PSD file.
Microsoft Expression Web enables you to generate a .png (PNG-24), .gif, or .jpg file from an Adobe Photoshop .psd file and select the Photoshop layers you want to include or exclude from the image. If you want to make changes to the original .psd file, in Expression Web, you can select the web-optimized image that Expression Web generated for you and conveniently open the original .psd file in your default .psd file editor, such as Adobe Photoshop.
Expression Web can import Photoshop .psd files that have all the following properties:
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how to brighten digital pictures and photos using Adobe Photoshop.
Increasing contrast brings out the color and detail, creating a more exciting image.
The final image is shown at the bottom of the page with adjusted midtones, enhanced green color and sharpening applied after the increase in contrast.
When you increase the contrast, the dark colors become darker and the light colors become lighter. Because our eye finds detail by differences in color, increasing contrast brings out the detail in almost every image.
I find that I must usually adjust brightness at the same time as I increase the contrast. It is a good idea to move in small increments, checking the original image often, not just the preview.
Color will usually improve with a contrast adjustment as well. That is one of the reasons that I most often adjust the contrast before I move to any other enhancing tool. Notice how the green of the jersey is much brighter once the contrast is increased. Also, look at the detail at the back of the helmet. In the original image, you can barely tell that there is purple detail, yet with increased contrast, that detail jumps out.
Hint: If you are enhancing a series of images that came from the same scanner or digital camera, with similar photos taken in similar lighting, you will find that the contrast and brightness settings are often similar from one image to the next. Make note of the numbers for the first few photos, and start with those values for subsequent images. If the numbers you are using turn out to be exactly the same every time, you may wish to create an action (Photoshop) to enhance your images with one click.
Contrast/Brightness in Photoshop
Photoshop offers contrast and brightness control in one function. To adjust one or both values, select Image> Adjust> Brightness and Contrast. Use the sliders for each value to adjust, moving to the left to decrease brightness or contrast, and to the right to increase either value. With the preview option checked, you can follow the results of the changed value in the document.
There are times that you wonder if you have improved the image or not. Just uncheck the Preview option, and you will be able to see the original appearance again. Toggle back and forth, adjusting the values until you are satisfied that you have improved the look. Click OK to accept the settings.
Contrast/Brightness in Paint Shop Pro
Paint Shop Pro offers contrast and brightness in one function. To adjust one or both values, select Colors> Adjust > Brightness/Contrast. Enter the values you desire, click on the increase or decrease value arrows, or click on the slider under the value to change the settings. Click on the Preview button (the eye) to check the results in your document.
If you wonder whether you have improved the image, click on the the Preview button, and you will be able to see the original appearance again. Toggle back and forth, adjusting the values until you are satisfied that you have improved the look. Click OK to accept the settings.
To reset both values and start over, click on the Reset button at the bottom right of the screen.
Contrast/Brightness in Fireworks
Fireworks offers contrast and brightness control in one function. If you are not already working in Edit Bitmap mode, select Modify> Edit Bitmap. To adjust one or both values, select Xtras> Adjust Color> Brightness/ Contrast. Use the sliders for each value to adjust, moving to the left to decrease brightness or contrast, and to the right to increase either value. With the preview option checked, you can follow the results of the changed value in the document.
There are times that you wonder if you have improved the image or not. Just uncheck the Preview option, and you will be able to see the original appearance again. Toggle back and forth, adjusting the values until you are satisfied that you have improved the look. Click OK to accept the settings.
However, there are several problems with the image that take away the impact and make what should be a dramatic photo fade into oblivion. Compare this image to the enhanced version at the bottom of the page. Notice how the first one seems dull and uninspired compared to the second. The enhanced image pops off the page and really grabs your attention.
The transition from the image at the left to the one at the bottom of the page is accomplished in steps. The steps I have learned to follow are contrast, tone, color and finally sharpening. Occasionally an image only needs one or two minor adjustments, and really bad, or specialty photos, like jewelry, require more than this list of enhancements. However, it is a good starting point.
The difference between the first and second images at the left is entirely accomplished by increasing contrast and brightness. Take a look at the first image and let your eye absorb the difference in color from the lightest to the darkest color. Then observe the enhanced image and do the same. Note how the numbers on the jersey are gray in the first and white in the second. The color range in the first image is from CCCCCC (light gray) to 333333 (dark gray). The range in the enhanced image is FFFFFF (white) to 000000 (black). The table below shows the dark and light colors side by side, dramatically showing the difference in contrast levels.
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Burnt Wood Text Swirl Effect in Photoshop

Burnt Wood Text Swirl Effect in Photoshop

A current trend in design is adding lighting effects to enhance your digital art. In this tutorial, you will learn a simple technique for creating brilliant light streaks which can be used in different ways to add motion and brightness to your designs.
Before we start, a tremendous thanks for your e-mails, comments, and linkage. I'm having such a fun time with this blog, and that is thanks to you!
First, create the background for our effect. Open up a new Photoshop file, and fill the background with black.Now, create a new layer and fill it with white. We will use the Lighting Effects filter (Filters > Render > Lighting Effects) on this layer to create a nice soft gradient. Next to the Intensity slider, choose any color that you like as long as it is somewhat dark. For this example, I have chosen a dark blue.
Now lets create a light from which all of our streaks will be created. Start by creating a new layer and setting it's blend mode to screen. Then use the Elliptical Marquee Tool to make a circular selection and Feather (Select > Modify > Feather) it with a value of 20 pixels. This will give our light a nice glow around the edges. Using the Radial Gradient Fill tool, we are going to give it some color and intensity. I like to use 3 colors for the gradient. The first and inner most color should be white or something close to it. Make sure to start the fill in the middle of your selection and end it a the edge.
Make a copy of the light layer that we just created, and hide the original. You will need it later to make additional streaks. Now, lets scale(Edit > Transform > Scale) the light so that it is much flatter. Doing this allows you to control the thickness of your streak.
Now we get to start having fun. To give our light that streak look there are two filters we can use: Wave(Filter > Distort > Wave) and Twirl(Filter > Distort > Twirl). By using Wave, you can achieve some very nice looking irregular paths for your light. Like any other filter with sliders, it takes some tweaking to achieve the result you are after, but you will probably need to up the wave length and amplitude considerably. Also, try applying the Wave filter multiple times to the same layer.
The Twirl filter will give you a streak that is moving in a more radial type of path.
Also, don't be afraid to combine the two. By doing so you will be adding more detail to each streak, and making the overall effect more interesting.
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Design swirls and flourishes Special Effects using photoshop

Design swirls and flourishes Special Effects using photoshop

earn how to fake unbelievable fantasy images, like this giant warrior lizard, using some clever Photoshop trickery.
No matter how many tricks and shortcuts you know, Photoshop has plenty more, making complex and fiddly tasks far more straightforward.
In this tutorial, Jericó Santander shows how you can make use of a few of these tricks to create a stunning surrealist-style image, giving a chameleon a Mad Max makeover and making him stalk through a mountain range.
Santander says that the tutorial is far easier using a graphics tablet, and although the tutorial will teach you plenty about lighting, volume and painting, it'll be far easier if you already have some basic knowledge of the principles.
01. First of all, assemble your images. Open the chameleon image and cut it out: first create a path layer using the Pen tool (P), tracing the contours of its body point by point. Once the path is closed and the shape is correct, right-click (Ctrl + click) and choose 'Make Selection'. We need to invert the selection to eliminate the parts we don't want: choose Select > Inverse, then press Delete.
02. Open your sky image and create a new Photoshop document, making it 23.9cm wide by 17.52cm tall, with a resolution of 240dpi; name it main.psd. On your sky image, select the entire image (Cmd/Ctrl + A), then copy it (Cmd/Ctrl + C) and paste it (Cmd/Ctrl + V) into main.psd; make it the bottom layer. Open your image of mountains and copy and paste that in, too, on a different level. Create a layer mask with a vertical gradient so that it blends with the sky. Now we should have a structure with the main elements. Copy in the chameleon, too.
03. Next, let's create the chameleon's helmet and other armoured elements. Open your image of a motorbike, and repeat the cut-out technique on the bike's pipes. Copy those into main.psd and duplicate the layer it's on (Cmd/Ctrl + J), move those elements around and arrange them around the chameleon's head, as shown here.
04. Return to your bike image and cut out an area as above. Use the Warp tool (Cmd/Ctrl + T on the image and right-click/Ctrl + click on the selected box) to deform the bike and create different shapes, then set the pieces over the chameleon to get a better idea of the chameleon's shape and dimensions. There's no need to make yours identical to this picture – play with different layers and construct your own armour and helmet; you can also use metal pieces from your own photos. Don't worry if the light and volume don't match – we'll fix that later.
05. For the crest, we'll need to create a Photoshop Action to create the smart element repetition this needs. Go to the Actions panel (Window > Actions) press the Create New Action button, and press Record (the circular shape). With Record pressed, duplicate a layer (Cmd/Ctrl + J), move it slightly and rotate as in the image. Then click the Stop button (the square); your action should now be ready for repeating. Click the Play button (the triangle) several times until you have a decent crest. Now, select all the new layers generated by the Action and merge them (Cmd/Ctrl + E). Use the Warp tool to make them fit the chameleon exactly.
06. It's time to add the mountain on the creature's back. Open the rock image and use the Pen tool to select the area you want to use. Copy and paste this into your image. With the help of the Warp tool (see Step 04), it can be fitted closely to the chameleon. Create a layer mask, select the Brush tool and press F5 to make the Brushes panel appear. Go to Brush Tip Shape, and select a brush with a 5-10mm diameter, and a hardness of 30%.
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edit an animated ad or gif animation in photoshop cs 5

edit an animated ad or gif animation in photoshop cs 5

Maybe some of you know of it or have already figured it out, but this is completely new to me. I was fiddling around with CS3 for ****s and giggles to see how I could use Photoshop to edit an avatar that I was working on because I didn't want to use software specifically for working with existing gifs when I prefer to use Photoshop. Since it's not obvious when trying to do it the normal way, I am going to share the process that I figured out with you all.

Normally, if you try to open an animated gif image through Open, you will get a message saying "This is an animated GIF. You can only view one frame. Saving over this file will result in a loss of information."

Heh, I showed those bastards!!!

I know that there are some people out there that don't know how to resize gifs to the forum avatar limit or want to know tricks to optimize their gifs to make them under 50 KB. Well here's a way that I found through Photoshop CS3. Usually I could only create animated gifs, but not edit existing gifs unless I had the original PSD source file with the animation information. So here's how to do it:

Import The Existing Gif

If you have CS3, go to File>Import>Video Frames To Layers...

In the open dialog, type in "*.*" (minus the quotes) in the file name part and it will show you all file types instead of just movies file types (there is no option to open gifs, only actual movie file types in the drop down file type list). You can also type in "*.gif" to only show gifs. Now, select your gif wherever it's located and when the new dialog pops up, make sure that "From Beginning To End" is selected and that "Make Frame Animation" is checked.

Now go to the Window menu (at the top) and open the Animation window. Make sure that it's set on the "Animation (Frames)" tab. Now go to Window again and open up the Layers window. Each frame is now a layer in the Layers window (you can see that only one layer is visible at a time in the Layers window). If you select another frame in the animation window, the next layer in the Layers window will be visible and not the previous one anymore. If you want to change the speed of the entire animation, click on the first frame in the animation window and press and hold Shift and then select the last frame to select all frames. Click on the arrow pointing down at the bottom of the frame thumbnail in the animation window and select a speed. Keep in mind that the speed of the animation in Photoshop will not reflect how the actual speed will be in your browser. The speed varies from browser to browser. In FireFox, the animation speed is faster than IE for some reason in my experience.

Resizing The Avatar To The Forum's Avatar Size Limits

Go to the Image menu button at the top and select Image Size... and change the global size there. Make sure the the measuring unit is set to Pixels and change the amount to 85x85 pixels. Or if it's an irregular rectangle shaped image, set the largest size to 85 pixels, and the other dimension will scale down proportionally.

Saving And Optimizing

If you go to File>Save, you won't be able to save an animated gif. Just a still gif image with little options to optimize. So what you have to do is go to File>Save for Web & Devices...

Now an optimize dialog will pop up. Here, you can change the amount of colors, and different settings to optimize your animated gif. I won't go into details about what every option does, just tweak settings to get the gif to your desired file size (50 KB for these forums). When you tweak settings, you should be able to see the file size on the bottom left so that you know where you are at when it comes to what the file size will be. Another method to optimize the gif is by reducing the colors. When you're in the gif optimize dialog look in the center right where it says "Color Table". This shows all of the total colors in your gif image. You can either drag a color to the trash can or you can go to where it says "Colors" above the Color Table. Click on the down arrow to reduce colors that way also.

Now, a good way to optimize the file size of a gif is by going to the animation window and select every other frame. Try changing some settings in the optimize dialog before resorting to deleting frames though. That's only if you're desperate and really have no other options. You can remove every other frame by clicking on the first frame and then hold Ctrl and then select every other frame after that. You can also remove every three frames and so on. What ever suits you. Drag the selected frames to the bottom right to the trash can and they will be deleted. When you delete frames, you may have to decrease the speed of all of the frames (as I explained how to do in the beginning) to get it up to a similar speed that the animation was before removing the frames. Less frames makes the animation appear faster fyi.

Once you are done, go to save and give it a name. Now right click on the gif that you have created wherever you saved it to and go to "Open With" and select your browser to preview it. Upload it and bam.

I hope that this was useful for someone, I originally made this for bobrocks95 and I ended up making it so long, that I thought that I might as well share this with others since I know that others have had the problem of resizing gifs and don't have the right software to edit/resize existing gif images.

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edit an animated ad or gif animation in photoshop cs 6

edit an animated ad or gif animation in photoshop cs 6

Maybe some of you know of it or have already figured it out, but this is completely new to me. I was fiddling around with CS3 for ****s and giggles to see how I could use Photoshop to edit an avatar that I was working on because I didn't want to use software specifically for working with existing gifs when I prefer to use Photoshop. Since it's not obvious when trying to do it the normal way, I am going to share the process that I figured out with you all.

Normally, if you try to open an animated gif image through Open, you will get a message saying "This is an animated GIF. You can only view one frame. Saving over this file will result in a loss of information."

Heh, I showed those bastards!!!

I know that there are some people out there that don't know how to resize gifs to the forum avatar limit or want to know tricks to optimize their gifs to make them under 50 KB. Well here's a way that I found through Photoshop CS3. Usually I could only create animated gifs, but not edit existing gifs unless I had the original PSD source file with the animation information. So here's how to do it:

Import The Existing Gif

If you have CS3, go to File>Import>Video Frames To Layers...

In the open dialog, type in "*.*" (minus the quotes) in the file name part and it will show you all file types instead of just movies file types (there is no option to open gifs, only actual movie file types in the drop down file type list). You can also type in "*.gif" to only show gifs. Now, select your gif wherever it's located and when the new dialog pops up, make sure that "From Beginning To End" is selected and that "Make Frame Animation" is checked.

Now go to the Window menu (at the top) and open the Animation window. Make sure that it's set on the "Animation (Frames)" tab. Now go to Window again and open up the Layers window. Each frame is now a layer in the Layers window (you can see that only one layer is visible at a time in the Layers window). If you select another frame in the animation window, the next layer in the Layers window will be visible and not the previous one anymore. If you want to change the speed of the entire animation, click on the first frame in the animation window and press and hold Shift and then select the last frame to select all frames. Click on the arrow pointing down at the bottom of the frame thumbnail in the animation window and select a speed. Keep in mind that the speed of the animation in Photoshop will not reflect how the actual speed will be in your browser. The speed varies from browser to browser. In FireFox, the animation speed is faster than IE for some reason in my experience.

Resizing The Avatar To The Forum's Avatar Size Limits

Go to the Image menu button at the top and select Image Size... and change the global size there. Make sure the the measuring unit is set to Pixels and change the amount to 85x85 pixels. Or if it's an irregular rectangle shaped image, set the largest size to 85 pixels, and the other dimension will scale down proportionally.

Saving And Optimizing

If you go to File>Save, you won't be able to save an animated gif. Just a still gif image with little options to optimize. So what you have to do is go to File>Save for Web & Devices...

Now an optimize dialog will pop up. Here, you can change the amount of colors, and different settings to optimize your animated gif. I won't go into details about what every option does, just tweak settings to get the gif to your desired file size (50 KB for these forums). When you tweak settings, you should be able to see the file size on the bottom left so that you know where you are at when it comes to what the file size will be. Another method to optimize the gif is by reducing the colors. When you're in the gif optimize dialog look in the center right where it says "Color Table". This shows all of the total colors in your gif image. You can either drag a color to the trash can or you can go to where it says "Colors" above the Color Table. Click on the down arrow to reduce colors that way also.

Now, a good way to optimize the file size of a gif is by going to the animation window and select every other frame. Try changing some settings in the optimize dialog before resorting to deleting frames though. That's only if you're desperate and really have no other options. You can remove every other frame by clicking on the first frame and then hold Ctrl and then select every other frame after that. You can also remove every three frames and so on. What ever suits you. Drag the selected frames to the bottom right to the trash can and they will be deleted. When you delete frames, you may have to decrease the speed of all of the frames (as I explained how to do in the beginning) to get it up to a similar speed that the animation was before removing the frames. Less frames makes the animation appear faster fyi.

Once you are done, go to save and give it a name. Now right click on the gif that you have created wherever you saved it to and go to "Open With" and select your browser to preview it. Upload it and bam.

I hope that this was useful for someone, I originally made this for bobrocks95 and I ended up making it so long, that I thought that I might as well share this with others since I know that others have had the problem of resizing gifs and don't have the right software to edit/resize existing gif images.

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